Homolovi State Park ~ Winslow, AZ …
Homolovi State Park, Arizona (In this Blog)
Camp Davis County Park, Bullhead City, Arizona/Laughlin, Nevada (READ ABOUT IT HERE!)
Salton Sea State Recreation Area, California (READ ABOUT IT HERE!)
Joshua Tree National Park (READ ABOUT IT HERE!)
Palm Springs (READ ABOUT IT HERE!)
Lake Havasu Landing Resort and Casino, Needles, California/Lake Havasu City, Arizona. (READ ABOUT IT HERE!)
Even though I often extol all the great attributes of Albuquerque’s lovely weather, winter does last a long time and I always start getting spring fever at the end of February. I’m through with the cold. I want my 90-degree days and my shorts and tank tops. We combat spring fever by taking spring break trips. This year was our first Spring Break RV trip, and we made the most of it.

As you read about our travels you will find we stay at Homolovi State Park quite often. There are several reasons for this. First let me say that we suck at traveling in the car. It takes us 8 hours to drive a route that Captain Bossy Pants (we lovingly call our navigation lady) says should take four and a half hours. Ok, that’s a little exaggeration but it takes us forever to drive anywhere. When I was young my parents drove us for hours at a time. We drove to Washington DC from Albuquerque in 3 days. R, T & I, not so much. The most we like to travel is about 5 hours (according to the GPS lady), which—with our slow as molasses ways—takes 8 US hours. Anyway, enough about that.
When R was planning our winter trip, she happened upon Homolovi State Park. It just so happens that it’s about a 5-hour drive from Albuquerque when we head west. Here are some of the practical reasons we love it for a stop heading West:
- It’s a state park so it’s affordable
- It has electricity, water and dump site
- It is only 1 mile off of I-40, about an hour from Flagstaff—which tends to be expensive—an hour from the Painted Desert & Petrified Forest, and close to Meteor Crater
- The roads are well-labeled, paved and the sites are well marked and easy to find
- Each site is very large, flat, even and paved, has a picnic table, the water and electricity hookups are easy to reach
- There are flush toilets, running water in the CLEAN restrooms and hot showers

After our first visit, which was based on location & price, we realized that it’s beautiful and our list of reasons to stay on repeated occasions grew. It is in the high desert, so nothing about the view and landscape to surprise us—just the run of the mill dirt, yucca and sage brush. But the sunrise and sunset over the mesas and cliffs are stunning. The rangers at the visitor center (it is COVID times so everyone is multitasking) were very friendly and helpful. The back-in sites are large and easy for us to back in and there are no trees for us to potentially run into, although, I’m sure if we were to hit a cactus it could cause some pretty good damage. There are pull through spots as well but those seem to be in short supply and high demand. Each shower is in its own room with a full door that locks—I very much appreciate that—and they were very nice.
Homolovi is far from big towns and, consequently, it is very dark. You can see a million stars if you enjoy that sort of thing. Also, this is the desert (no forests or trees), so there are no fire restrictions (at least not that we’ve seen) and each campsite has a well-maintained fire ring that has a grill rack.
Keep in mind the high desert weather. While we were there, during the day it was 70 degrees, and we were walking around with shirt sleeves and the fan was on. As soon as the sun went down it got really cold, really fast (typical desert weather). Plan accordingly.
While this is only 1 mile off the road there is not much traffic sound. While I was enjoying my dinner at the picnic table, I could barely hear any traffic noise and while we were in the RV none of us could hear a thing. As I was walking around the campground, I did notice several tents, so tent camping is allowed. All three of us have good cell coverage, we all have full bars but there is no wi-fi.
We have not visited the ruins yet—that will be it’s own story when we make it there!
Homolovi Ruins: Image by Trevor Huxham

When I stayed at Homolovi back in like 1995 or so, I was tent camping. It was SOOOO windy I was worried by tent was going to fly away! The tent pads were just sand (at least at that time) with no solid way to stake the tent down. I threw my luggage in there while I was exploring to make sure I’d have a place to sleep when I got back. Luckily, all was still there. Very beautiful area, but I was dismayed at the amount of trash people left behind. Hopefully that’s improved too. I haven’t been back since but now I’m inspired!